lifestyle home maternity session

I think one of my favorite things about toddlers is that it’s truly the little things in life that make them happy.  I spent an afternoon with Krista and Chris and their daughter Abbey in their home last week, and was reminded of the simple joys!  All Abbey wanted was to play on her parent’s […]

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lifestyle family photography

My love for lifestyle home sessions is real, y’all.  I know most families planning for a portrait session are dreaming of the perfectly matched outfits, professionally styled hair and makeup, and all eyes looking at the camera with a picture-perfect smile.  I could care less about perfect and the thought of overly coordinated outfits makes […]

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lifestyle home session

I met the Goldberg family for the first time last weekend, and am super excited to share their lifestyle home session on the blog today!  We spent a cozy morning together in their beautiful old home, which as you all know I am just a sucker for old homes with beautiful window light!  Randy and Bethany […]

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Cleveland Heights Family Session

If there’s one thing I love, it’s old homes!  Hardwood floors, creaky steps, built in shelves, fireplaces – you just can’t build new houses with the same charm and character found in old homes!  The Hatch family just recently moved to a beautiful old historic home in Cleveland Heights, OH when Chris transferred job positions […]

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family session Diamond OH

The Severt family had my love forever before we even got to meet.  You see, when we were planning their lifestyle home session, Stacey mentioned that their entire family loooooves ice cream, and that they were thinking of including an ice cream party for their photos.  Ice cream is basically my love language, so I just […]

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one year old boy in white onesie sitting on chevron chair

All birthdays are awesome, but there’s just something a little extra special about the first one.  Turning one is a big deal, y’all!  Last week I got to take a little road trip to Columbus to celebrate this milestone with the sweet-as-pie lil man Maverick.  His classic white onesie and denim was the perfect look for […]

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