CKP Weekend Wrap-Up!


Ok so first of all, this Weekend Wrap-Up is really more like an Entire Week Wrap-Up.  We had friends in town visiting from Ohio this past week, and it was the best time ever!!  It was so refreshing to spend quality time with friends from home, and Ben and I LOVED giving Barry and Melissa a tour of our favorite places here in San Diego!  We also realized that a week is just not enough time to visit a fabulous city like San Diego….there’s just way too much to do and see!  We tried to narrow it down to the best of the best, and I think we did a pretty good job of giving Mel and Barry a taste of the Cali life :)  Some of these places we have been to many times before, but it was almost like discovering them again for the first time as we introduced friends to our favorite hot spots!  And to Taco Tuesday, of course.


We all got to experience the famous San Diego Zoo for the first time together, and I have so much to share with you from the zoo that I’m just going to do a separate blog post on that!  One word:  PANDAS.  There were pandas.  And baby monkeys.  And so much fluffy animal cuteness that my heart wanted to explode.  More of that to come soon though!  For now though, enjoy some of the sights we got to share with Melissa and Barry during their visit!  Happy Monday!


It might be hard to tell at first glance, but those shapes on the sand are SEALS!  The seals at La Jolla are possibly my favorite sight to see in San Diego!  They sun themselves on the beaches along the coves and refresh themselves in the ocean waters, and they are just loving life!


Dipping our toes in the (icy!) waters of the Pacific!



The Pacific Beach boardwalk kind of feels like eternal spring break.  Except for this past week actually WAS spring break, so it was packed with people enjoying the warm air activities along the beach.  If you’re into people watching, this is the place to go!




Barry is a huge soccer fan, and his favorite team is Manchester United.  There was a huge game happening when they were here, so we found a Shakespeare pub to go watch the match – talk about intense!!  I feel inspired to become a soccer fan after that match!  The camaraderie of all the fans gathered in the pub to watch the match was so inspiring and lively, it was awesome!  Also, fish and chips.


ACAI BOWLS.  The world needs to know about acai bowls.  At least now Barry and Melissa know.



North Park tacos!!  Mmmm, tacos.


The San Diego Zoo was just incredible!  Here are just some of the cuties we spotted at the zoo – love the sleeping koala in the tree!





Does Target count as a sightseeing trip?  Answer:  yes.


The past two weeks of Project 365!





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