Lexie – 2016 Senior


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You know what’s weird?  When you start to be the person telling others “I remember when you were BORN!”  Man that makes me feel old.  Growing up, the Locketti family lived next door, and so many of my childhood memories involve playing over at their house.  My sister and I loved playing with Kaleigh and Jake, and I can remember when their little sister Lexie was born!  And now….she’s all grown up and graduating this year, and I’m taking her senior portraits!  Gah!  So crazy.  Lexie is graduating from Austintown Fitch, and I just have to brag on this sweet girl for a second and share that she is this year’s Homecoming Queen!  Wow!  And it’s no wonder, because she is so kind-hearted and down to earth and just all around an awesome person.  Lexie, it was an honor to capture these senior portraits for you, you are beautiful inside and out!

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Lexie has the most gorgeous blue eyes!!

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Beautiful girl!  I just love all three of her outfits, fall colors look great on you Lex!

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