Adventure Awaits – A Big Announcement



This is one of those blog posts that I think I have tried to write and re-write about a hundred times, and no matter how long I sit and stare at the screen it doesn’t seem any easier to share!  I think because what I have to share with you is change, and change can be hard.  No one really likes change.  But change has its pros and cons, and if we never take on changes then life can become stagnant.  And a stagnant life gets boring, and life is too short to be boring.


When Ben and I first began dating and talking about our interests and what we wanted our futures to look like, there was one common theme:  travel.  We both love adventure and have a desire to visit new places, embrace different cultures, and see as much of the world as we can.  Now not everyone has that same desire, so when you fall in love with someone who holds the same excitement for discovery as you, the opportunities seem endless!  Adventure is fun in any capacity, but sharing adventure with another makes the experience even more fulfilling.  Ben is a pediatric RN, and his career field gives opportunity for traveling and working in places where hospitals are in need of nurses.  Since my career gives me the flexibility to work in any location, we decided to pursue the idea of taking travel RN assignments after we were married.  Well you can plan and plan for a goal as much as you want, and desire something so bad it hurts, and apply for as many travel assignments as you can find, but if your plan isn’t the same as God’s plan, then it won’t happen.  We approached the idea of traveling the country with an open mind, and celebrated but tried not to get our hopes up when Ben was asked to interview with a pediatric hospital in San Diego, CA.  What?!  California??  That’s all the way on the other side of the country!  He was offered the position, and we had to decide if this whole traveling thing was something we wanted to just talk about doing, or actually do.  As in, pack up all of our belongings in storage and leave the familiarity of home and family and friends and really embark on this adventure.


If you haven’t already guessed, we decided to go for it!  The Pecchias (and Carlyn K Photography!) are headed for the west coast, y’all!  And this is happening soon….January 11th, to be exact!  We will be in sunny San Diego for 13 weeks, and from there….who knows!  It might sound crazy to some to say that we don’t really have a definite plan for this adventure, other than we are going to do it.  Maybe it will be for a year, maybe two, maybe more.  We are going to travel and see as much as we can, and take life a day at a time.  I think it’s more exciting when you don’t have all the details anyways, right?  :)


Those who have heard the news keep asking one big question:  “But what about your business?!  What will happen to Carlyn K Photography?”  I love love love my business and the wonderful clients that I have gained here in the Youngstown, Ohio area.  It has been 2 1/2 years since I first started this full-time photography journey, and it has been an exciting ride!  I have had the honor of being part of so many great moments in peoples’ lives, and have built such great relationships with awesome people who are more “friends” than “clients.”  When we decided to really do this crazy thing, I felt very sad at the idea of missing out on incredible moments in my clients’ lives that I want to be here to capture – and that I feel as if I am depended on to capture!  But then I was reminded that there are seasons for all things in life, and sometimes you have to let go of familiar routines to experience new things.  So with that said…


*** I will be making trips back to Ohio as often as possible, and I will still be booking clients during my visits back!

*** It is also my hope that I will be able to continue capturing portraits for new clients in new places :)  A change in location doesn’t mean I’m putting my camera down!

*** I am still booking weddings here in Ohio for the 2015 wedding season!  And anywhere actually….destination wedding, anyone?!

*** Yes I will still be blogging!  There just might be more travel adventures thrown into the mix :)


I hope you are all just as excited as Ben and I are to embark on this new journey!  Be sure to visit the blog for the latest installments of our travels and the people and places along the way!



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  1. Annie Kachurek says:

    Godspeed to you and Ben and enjoy this wonderful time of your lives together! ( I was wondering if you were going to make a different “big announcement” and join the ranks of your sister Jess) I enjoy your work and will look forward to seeing your pics- I’ll be living vicariously thru your camera lens. Happy New Year to you and Ben.

  2. Danyelle Henin says:

    Beautifully written, Carlyn!! Made me cry!! We are so excited for you and Ben, and will be so excited to see all your traveling adventures through your pictures!! We love you!
    – Dee and Freddy :)

  3. Pam Berni says:

    Wow Carlyn! Such an exciting adventure before you guys!! What an opportunity, but I will miss you friend!! I am excited to see what God has in store for you and all the beautiful images and moments you will capture along the way! Prayers and hugs!!!!

  4. Belinda Nakamura says:

    Carlyn!! What an amazing opportunity you guys have been given! Traveling is a wonderful thing! And changes your perspective on many levels and learning about different areas and cultures is a TRUE gift! I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to see your photos in Cali and hear all the fun stuff your doing through your blog! We got married in L.A. And our honeymoon was in San Diego! Gorgeous, gorgeous place!!

  5. Heather says:

    Go and live!

  6. Julie John says:

    Best of Luck on your new endeavors! With God in control…big, big things will happen!

  7. Mary Sacui says:

    carlyn!!!! A loss for us but a big win for the west coast! Please stay in touch you will be missed!

  8. Kristina Moore says:

    Not going to lie when i first starting reading this I thought you were announcing that you 2 were going to have a baby! LOL! I think this is so neat! Anthony & I also desire to travel, we just don’t have the means or career to get to…yet. Anyways, I’m happy for you 2 and wish ya’ll the best of luck! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your adventures!

  9. Sharon Robertshaw says:

    i just want you to knock off all this dreaming. You are being selfish and silly thinking about going on your so called adventure. Snap out of it!!
    You need to stay here with the your family, friends & clients. They can’t go on with out you and Ben here in in gloomy dark cold Ohio. There’s no good reason to spread your wings and fly. Your personal life should be stifled like the rest of us. The grass is rarely greener on the other side. Without you you here the world will stop turning. Can you live with that on your conscience?? I couldn’t. Let me know if I have swayed you even a little bit. If not, I’ll lend you my light up shoes as they are meant for journeys like these. Waiting.

  10. Jessica Rae says:

    YOUR faith in “his plan” and your spontaneity inspire me! Good luck! I can’t wait to follow the journey xoxo

  11. Jennifer Jones Mosher says:

    May God bless you both on this journey. My love and prayers go with you. I would LOVE to see photos of you two in San Diego. Have you ever read or heard a wonderful Christmas story called “The Night the Chimes Rang?” It’s one of my favorites, and the line that comes to mind is, “And you must see everything twice, little brother: once for you, and once for me.” You and your camera and your husband see everything and remember it and share with us all—Much love, Jennifer

  12. Kathy Davies says:

    Best of luck in your new adventures, Carlyn & Ben!!! San Diego is a beautiful city and there is so much to do there!! Congratulations and best wishes always!! :-)

  13. Aunt Mary Lou says:

    So happy for you and Ben! Life is a journey..enjoy it!

  14. jayci says:

    God Bless you on this journey! You have faith, love, family and friends. You can take those with you no matter where God takes you too! Love you!

  15. Patty says:

    Carlyn and Ben … Safe travels on your new journey. Make everyday a new day and meet new people. How exciting for you both. It’s hard leaving family but they will always be here for you when you return. God bless and best of luck.

  16. Leah says:

    Well Carlyn, I’m proud of myself…didn’t cry at all. I agree you wrote and described it so beautifully. YOU WILL absolutely love San Diego and all of CA you visit. I have a friend in San Francisco right now whose daughter is getting married soon. I wish it were a little closer to you…you would be doing her wedding for sure. I also have a school friend living in San Diego, a retired museum curator. He loves taking people to his favorite places and enriching them with his knowledge. When settled, If you are ever bored, let me know, I’ll give him a call. Whenever and wherever yours and Ben’s life adventures take you, you will always my dear friend from Sherwin Williams! Be safe, Live and Love Every Minute of this Life…You’ll have it forever! Love you….


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