Carly & Chandler – Engaged!


It all started several years ago when he caught her attention at work.  Carly and Chandler were working at Arby’s together, and there was something about this guy that sparked Carly’s interest.  Luckily Chandler felt the same way, and now, several years later, they are engaged and planning a beautiful wedding for next summer!  I love love LOVE when couples add personal details into their engagement session, and Carly and Chandler’s session is personalized 100% – totally unique to them and their relationship!  I loved spending the evening with these two and learning more about their story and some of the milestones along the way.  We started with milkshakes at Arby’s, in the very booth where they first sat together on a lunch break…..

Chandler shares about his first memories of his fiance :)

Not far down the road is a little park where Chandler and Carly first spent time together, and where they told each other that they like each other!  How cute are they!


Love this waterfall!

Here’s a favorite, for sure!

Next we headed out to the campgrounds where Chandler’s family loves to camp, beautiful fields and forests everywhere!

That wedding date is less than a year away you guys!  Wooo!!

Nice job on that bling Chan!

Aw I love this one too….love how they look at each other :)

On our way down to the pier at Lake Milton as the sun began to set

When Carly and I were first talking about their engagement session last winter, she mentioned this crazy idea of her and Chandler bridge jumping, one of the first things they did when they first started dating.  Luckily I like crazy ideas, so I was on board for this one!  Like, literally.  I was in a boat below them snapping away like crazy and practically hyperventilating as they jumped into the water below….

You crazy kids!!!



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  1. JUDY says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. CarlynK- you are great!!! We’ve had so much fun already. Just think of wedding day. :)))))Bella will be the there.

  2. Heather says:

    The bridge jump is one for the records! I don’t know these too but it makes me want to! Great pics Carlyn. So warm and clear and adventurous!

  3. Heather says:

    *two, not too!


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